Thursday, August 9, 2012

Hopefully, keywords will go AC themselves.

I think keywords are the decline of language. Though, I suppose everybody says that about something. Last week "hopefully" instead of "I hope" was the decline of language. This is serious, though. Many clients who want "keyword rich" content don't want any language at all. The conversations go something like this (slight dramatization):

Them: "If you could just cram eight more keywords in there instead of... What the hell is that? A sentence? Yeah just cram eight more keywords in that space instead of a sentence that would be great... thanks..." 
Me: "But, but think of the syntax!

In most realities, the majority of orders are something like this:
Write 500 words describing my air conditioning business. Make sure you mention AC 400 times.
That is completely doable! That is, if the person wants their article to sound like this:
AC is AC but AC by the AC for AC AC!
It reminds me of something...

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